It matches the PROFINET Specification V2.4. V 2.4 adds support for Time-sensitive Networking (TSN), Remote Service Interface (RSI), Small formfactor pluggable (SFP) diagnosis, and PROFIsafe Parameterization in Run (PIR). V2.35 matches PROFINET Standard V2.3 Ed2MU5. V2.35 adds support for Channel Related Process Alarms and Media Redundancy Ring Interconnection. The intended audience of this document is device manufacturers (for writing the GSD file for their devices), engineering tools manufacturers (for integrating PN Devices using GSD files), and test labs (for triggering automated tests according to the device’s GSD file content). This specification covers the GSDML, which describes a PROFINET device regarding its identification, its structure, its communication features, its process data, its parameters, and its diagnosis. The PN-GSD for PROFINET Devices using GSDML (GSD Markup Language, XML based).