P value for hypothesis test calculator chi square
P value for hypothesis test calculator chi square

p value for hypothesis test calculator chi square

This problem asks you to test whether the far western United States families distribution fits the distribution of the American families. The dfs are the number of cells – 1 = 5 – 1 = 4 (Use a computer or calculator to find the p-value. To find the p-value, calculate P( χ 2 > 3). Make a chart with the following headings and fill in the columns:

p value for hypothesis test calculator chi square

This time, calculate the χ 2 test statistic by hand. The values in the table are the observed ( O) values or data. These numbers are the expected ( E) values. If the absent days occur with equal frequencies, then, out of 60 absent days (the total in the sample: 15 + 12 + 9 + 9 + 15 = 60), there would be 12 absences on Monday, 12 on Tuesday, 12 on Wednesday, 12 on Thursday, and 12 on Friday. H a: The absent days occur with unequal frequencies, that is, they do not fit a uniform distribution.

p value for hypothesis test calculator chi square

  • H 0: The absent days occur with equal frequencies, that is, they fit a uniform distribution.

  • P value for hypothesis test calculator chi square