Here then are the best free software uninstallers currently available. You'll also be able to empty your recycle bin with a single click, and delete your browser history. Software uninstallers also provide a handy way to manage browser extensions and plugins, and remove any that you don't use. Once they've been purged, the software will then perform another scan to track down and wipe out temporary files and old registry entries, freeing up valuable space and ensuring you don't run into problems when installing a newer version of the same software later on. Third-party software uninstallers can do a more thorough job, quickly scanning your system for all installed programs, and letting you select several at once for removal. It also sometimes doesn't properly update the registry, either.

Additionally, it will often leave existing files, folders, and shortcuts in place meaning you have to delete these manually. While Windows comes with an "Add or remove programs" option, all too often you'll be presented with a message telling you that some components couldn't be removed, or the uninstall has failed.